Business Process Outsourcing
The growth of information technology has made the business world more globalized and competitive, which forced the enterprises to always look for cost reduction measures to sustain profitably in the market. The pressure of cost reduction has made the organization to go for outsourcing the non-core areas of business matters. We provide extensive support in handling any type of accounting, payroll, back-office operations etc. at reasonable cost.
Our Accounting Outsourcing service is helpful to relieve your company of the task of hiring and retaining an in-house staff. The services offered by us are flexible, and we quickly adapt to our client's needs. Intervention required by the client from our part can be customized to suit their needs who come from diverse industry sectors. Consequently, our vast experience and comprehensive approach sanction us to tackle routine proceedings to effortlessly deliver value in support of your business.
- Design and Implementation of Accounting and Inventory System appropriate to the client business structure.
- Financial Accounting and Inventory Management exclusive for client specific.
- Supervision and Review of Financial Accounting Records
- Budgeting and Variance Analysis
- Assistance and Advisory in financial reporting and analysis on accounting issues
- MIS Reporting on Financial and Operational Analysis
- Asset Accounting Management
- Depreciation and Amortization Schedules
- Treasury and Hedge Accounting support, including related valuations accounting manuals
- Preparation of Monthly Salary Sheet.
- Deductions as per applicable laws like Income Tax, Provident Fund, and Professional Tax etc.
- Computation and deposit of TDS, ESI, PF etc.
- Disbursement/ Online Payment of Salary.
- Pay slip by password protected e-mail.
- Reimbursement of telephone, medical bills etc.
- Issue of Form 16 to employees.
- Periodic Reconciliation of payments/statutory deductions etc. with books of accounts.
- Administration of gratuity, superannuation, pension schemes etc.
- Advice on all matters related to compliance of TDS/TCS provisions.
- Obtaining Tax Deduction Account Number (TAN).
- Periodic review of TDS/ Withholding Tax compliance.
- Computation of monthly TDS.
- Monthly reconciliation of TDS due and deposited.
- Monthly deposit of TDS electronically/manually.
- Issue of monthly/annual TDS certificates.
- Filing of quarterly E-TDS/Manual Returns.
- Filing of Correction Statements.
- TDS assessment.